Tuesday, December 31, 2013

My Nighttime Prayer

(A Grown-up Version of a Childhood Prayer)

"Now I lay me down to sleep;
I pray Thee, Lord, my soul to keep..."
Forgive the sins that I have done;
Wash me clean in the blood of Your Son.
Bless my loved ones everywhere;
Keep them safe within Your care.
Thank You, Lord, for all You do;
Teach me always to walk with You.

As I rest, my strength renew,
So I can arise to work for You.
Watch over me in every way
And wake me safe at break of day. 
If You should come before I wake,
I'll see You in heaven, what a glorious Daybreak!
Knowing that You're always there, 
I rest secure within Your care.

--AnnaLee Conti